All of our products mentioned hereinafter are not for any use of diagnostic/
therapeutic purpose, but for research use only.


Co-culture Dish (JLK)

두 종류의 cell을 하나의 dish에서 동시에 배양하기 적합한 제품입니다.
Insert의 mesh를 통해 두 종류의 cell 사이의 signal exchange가 가능합니다.

  • Material (Frame / Mesh): Polystyrene (PS) / Nylon

    ▪ Nominal membrane thickness: 10 ~ 23 μm

    Pore size: 23 µm

    ▪ Packed in cell culture-treated cell culture dishes (20060, 20100)

Cat. No. Dish Style d x h (mm) Internal Dimension d x h (mm) Growth Area (cm²) Working Volume (ml) External Grip Surface Treatment Sterile Packaging
209260 60.00 X 15.00 52.80 X 12.80 21.50 5.00 + + + 10 / 20
209200 100.00 x 20.00 86.26 x 17.70 57.50 12.50 - + + 10 / 20